As usual, she started with a mild scolding, then into a big one. First, she told us to get a book and sit down and read if we don't want to get any scolding from her. Maybe some of them reacted slow to her response and kept chatting away as if she doesn't exist. Then she said ( I guess?)"Miss Lee was in the library today. My class made a lot of noise and obviously, that is when, the problem started."
"Do what you're suppose to do, you know what you're suppose to do right?! Do it before I do something! "So then I quickly pick up a random book and sat down to where I'm suppose to sit. But then, things seems to get worse as there are still some students who are still talking in their own world ignoring here. This is when things go wrong. She started talking about us being bad and all. Disrespect to teachers. Having cursed genes? And our parents who did bad things and the genes was cursed so it was passed down to us. She was saying that the teacher was doing her duty for keeping us quiet and they are rational with their actions. Then she started shouting
The same thing goes on and on and on. Lord Jesus Christ. Buang bayi ( Throwing babies ) . Saying to us to test our luck on her see whether she right or wrong. There's also one thing she said about Malaysia. Beforehand, I would like to explain to all non-Malaysian readers that Malaysia has this motto called ''Malaysia Boleh'' ( Malaysia Can!/ Malaysia Can Do It )"Where's your teacher?! She's responsible for keeping you quiet?! Where is she?! This is a tidak bertanggungjawab( Irresponsible ) teacher! WHERE IS SHE?!"
"Malaysia Boleh? Malaysia Tak boleh. Boleh pergi buang longkang dengan generasi begini ! ! "I don't wanna translate the above statement because it's kinda a bit disgracing so if you're really curious, directly ask me :D Between, she shouted at a teacher in the library too, asking her to state whether the things she said was rational or not. Of course the teacher nodded to prevent any ruckus caused.
So then again...the same thing goes on. Money and sex and this is what she the whole time she was
Don't blame her okay :) She's a good person at heart actually... (
That's all for today :) Happy day people. May God be With You....
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